The "Training" folder with the available training material, that is present in the USB-stick that will be provided, is now available online here: - You might need to update the files in the USB stick yourself the day before or on the training day.
Instructions on how to use the USB stick and virtual machines is available here:
Implementation of acoustic analogy
- Instructor: Ilia Evdokimov, PhD, ISP RAS
- Summary: Was presented first time at Jeju and it contains materials about creating acoustic analogy module for OpenFOAM. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Ilia_Evdokimov-Acoustic_Analogy.pdf
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Implementation of simple FSI model with functionObject
- Instructor: I. Marchevsky, PhD, Ass. Prof., BMSTU
- Summary: simpleFsi is dedicated to construction of basic fsi application using function objects. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Ilia_Marchevsky-simpleFsi.pdf
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Practical CFD applications using HELYX-OS
- Instructor: Paolo Geremia
- Summary: The training is intended for those seeking an introduction of the basic concepts behind HELYX-OS, the Open-Source Graphical User Interface for OpenFOAM. The training also provides hands-on cases for meshing, setup and running of OpenFOAM cases using the HELYX-OS GUI.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Lecture and hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x and Helyx-OS v2.4.0
- Training Material:
Extending Boundary Conditions at Runtime
- Instructor: Tomislav Maric
- Co-instructor: Jens Höpken
- Summary: We will implement a generic library that will enable us to add functionality to an existing boundary condition at runtime.
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Understanding and prototyping fvOptions
- Instructor: Jens Höpken
- Co-instructor: Tomislav Maric
- Summary: Understanding fvOptions and their capabilities. Using fvOptions and prototyping new sources.
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Pressure-velocity coupling in solvers
- Instructor: Hrvoje Jasak
- Summary: Pressure-velocity coupling in incompressible and compressible flows for segregated and block-coupled solvers.
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Undefined
- Software stack: foam-extend 4.0
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Training material:
Understanding and extending scalarTransportFoam
- Instructor: Henrik Rusche
- Summary: Learning how scalarTransportFoam is designed and how to add another scalar transport equation to it.
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Lecture with examples, with hands-on material
- Software stack: Any OpenFOAM and foam-extend version
- Training material:
snappyHexMesh Theory and Application
- Instructor: Andrew Jackson
- Co-instructor: Daniel Combest
- Summary: This training session will cover the overall algorithm of snappyHexMesh; involve hands on examples; and discuss several key strategies to improve meshing.
- Training type: Introductory to Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Learning how to use free surface flows in OpenFOAM 3.0
- Instructor: Victoria Korchagova, ISP RAS
- Summary: Due to several changes made in OpenFOAM 2.3 and newer versions, this session aims to teach you how to setup your cases accordingly to run with interFoam. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Victoria_Korchagova-FreeSurfaceFlows3.pdf
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material:
Introduction to PyFoam and swak4Foam
- Instructor: Bernhard Gschaider
- Summary: An introduction to the PyFoam-utilities and the library swak4Foam will be given. They will be used to add evaluations to a tutorial case and visualize the results.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on (mostly)
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x and/or foam-extend 4.0, PyFoam and swak4Foam
- Training Material:
Introduction to numerical optimization using DAKOTA and OpenFOAM®
- Instructor: Joel Guerrero
- Summary: In this training session the attendees will be introduced to numerical optimization using DAKOTA. We will address how to conduct parametrical and design of experiments studies, single and multi-objective optimization, surrogate based optimization, exploratory data analysis, and how to couple DAKOTA with OpenFOAM® (or any other black box solver). To follow this training session a basic knowledge of OpenFOAM® is required. No prior knowledge of DAKOTA is required.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Joel_Guerrero-Dakota.pdf
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Undefined
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x, Dakota 6.3, OpenSCAD, Salome 7.7.1, Python 2.7 (Anaconda).
- Training Material:
Introduction to OpenQBMM and quadrature-based moment methods
- Instructor: Alberto Passalacqua
- Summary: The course will introduce the fundamental concepts of quadrature-based moment methods and how they apply to population balance equations and turbulent mixing problems. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Alberto_Passalacqua-OpenQBMM.pdf
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM-dev (OpenFOAM Foundation development branch), ParaView, OpenQBMM.
- Training material:
Rotating machinery in FOAM-extend
- Instructor: Håkan Nilsson
- Summary: The focus is on theory and application of functionality that is related to rotation, such as SRF, MRF, rotating mesh, ggi, overlapGgi, mixingPlane, specific boundary conditions, etc. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Hakan_Nilsson-Rotating_Machinery.pdf
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: foam-extend 4.0.
- Training Material:
New IHFOAM developments
- Instructor: Javier L. Lara, IHCantabria
- Co-instructor: Maria Maza, IHCantabria
- Summary: New developments in IHFOAM for wave generation, absorption, interaction with vegetation, tsunami waves, along with best practices. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Javier_Lara-IHFOAM.pdf
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Status: The instructor was not able to attend and this session was cancelled.
Introduction to post-processing with ParaView
- Instructor: Philip Cardiff
- Summary: The objective is to learn how to post-process results using with ParaView.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x and/or foam-extend 4.0, ParaView 5 (or 4).
- Training Material:
Introduction to solid mechanics with OpenFOAM
- Instructor: Philip Cardiff
- Summary: This tutorial introduces the solid mechanics solvers within OpenFOAM, including the relevant Finite Volume theory. More advanced boundary conditions, material models and mathematical models are also described.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: foam-extend 3.* and 4.0.
- Training Material:
Implementation of turbulence models
- Instructor: Luiz Fernando. L. R. Silva
- Summary: The attendants will learn the basic aspects of turbulence programming, considering the directory structure, turbulence models library organisation, development of new turbulence models and boundary conditions in foam-extend.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: foam-extend 3.* and 4.0.
- Training Material:
Using OpenFOAM fluid structure interaction library
- Instructor: Željko Tuković
- Summary: The objective is to learn how to set-up fluid-structure interaction case using different coupling schemes available in OpenFOAM FSI library. Specifically, it will be shown how to use loose and strong coupling algorithms based on Dirichlet-Neumann and Robin-Neumann decomposition schemes.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: foam-extend 4.0
- Training Material:
Introduction to meshing with blockMesh
- Instructor: Vanja Škurić
- Summary: The objective is to learn how to create meshes with blockMesh. Scripting blockMesh dictionary using m4 will be addressed.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x and foam-extend 4.0.
- Training Material:
PyFoam for the lazy
- Instructor: Bernhard Gschaider
- Subtitle: Let the computer do the post-processing for you.
- Summary: Foam (especially function objects) produce a large number of data files. To analyse these files in commonly used tools they have to be converted and manipulated (relabeling, interpolation etc). This process is tedious and error prone (especially if they have to be done for a large number of simulations) . PyFoam offers a number of utilities that allow the user to do these things automatically. This presentation will demonstrate these utilities.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x, foam-extend 4.0 and PyFoam
- Training Material:
Erosion modeling in OpenFOAM
- Instructor: Alejandro Lopez, University of Strathclyde
- Summary: A brief introduction to the general erosion modeling (and models available in the literature and in some CFD codes) will be presented, followed by a description of how erosion can be modeled in both Lagrangian and Eulerian frames in OpenFOAM. Finally, some examples of how to implement your own erosion and rebound models within the intermediate library will be explained.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x (applicable to 2.3.x)
- Training Material:
Simulations with particles, using the Lagrangian method
- Instructor: Alejandro Lopez, University of Strathclyde
- Summary: The objective is to review the whole range of case set-up, running and post-processing simulations that use the Lagrangian method for fluid flow with particles. The Lagrangian-intermediate library will be used (nearly-fully featured particle flow). Brief overview of other possibilities for Lagrangian particles such as the “solidParticle”.
- Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x (applicable to 2.3.x)
- Training Material:
Introduction to simulating real 3d flows: the DrivAer case
- Instructor: Gavin Tabor, University of Exeter
- Summary: This session will address what needs to be taken into account in setting up the cases and simulating real 3D flows. Topics to be covered: turbulence modelling (including wall treatment); transient vs steady-state; discretization schemes, matrix solving and solver loop settings.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Undefined
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x and foam-extend 4.0.
- Training Material:
OpenFOAM® software bundles by CFDsupport
- Instructor: Jakub Benda
- Co-instructor: Jiri Simonek
- Abstract: Course_abstract-CFDsupport-bundles.pdf
- Summary: Introduction to standalone OpenFOAM® bundles created by CFDsupport - OpenFOAM® for Windows and OpenFOAM® in Box (for Linux).
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: CFDsupport software bundles version 16.06 (based on OpenFOAM® 3.0)
- Training Material:
- Instructor: Tessa Uroić
- Summary: An overview of mandatory and advanced settings in cfMesh, demonstration of all possibilities with practical examples, and a hands-on generation of a high-quality automatic cartesian mesh. Attendees will be able to use cfMesh on their own after completing the training.
- Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Lecture with examples/Hands-on
- Software stack: foam-extend 4.0
- Training Material:
Introduction to the programming language of OpenFOAM®
- Instructor: Vuko Vukčević
- Summary: In this course the basics of the programming language of OpenFOAM will be taught. The following main topics will be addressed:
-Go through scalarTransportFoam in detail;
-Add passive scalar equation to icoFoam;
-Create a simple function object;
-Create a simple boundary condition;
-Provide brief guidelines for effective OpenFOAM/C++ programming. - Training type: Introductory
- Session type: Lecture with examples/Hands-on
- Software stack:foam-extend 4.0
- Training Material:
Using EPIC to run OpenFOAM® online
- Instructor: Mike Turner
- Summary: Hands-on session to set up and run OpenFOAM jobs with the EPIC cloud platform. The session will include data upload / download, automatic checking of control files, remote visualisation and options for more advanced users. More details in the abstract.
- Abstract: Course_abstract-Mike_Turner.pdf
- Training type: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced
- Session type: Hands-on
- Software stack: Paraview 4.4 and up-to-date Chrome or Firefox
Design and Rationale of High Resolution Schemes in OpenFOAM
- Instructor: Holger Marschall
- Summary: In this training session the attendees will be introduced to High Resolution Schemes, i.e. bounded High Order Schemes (bHOS), and their design and rationale in FOAM.
Abstract: Course_abstract-Holger_Marschall.pdf - Training type: Intermediate
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: foam-extend 4.0
Advanced dynamic mesh motion
- Instructor: Gianluca Montenegro
- Summary: Advanced topics of mesh motion for complex shape and motion strategies. Main example: how to generate create a class in which the piston and the valve motion are taken into account.
- Training type: Advanced
- Session type: Lecture with examples
- Software stack: OpenFOAM 3.0.x
- Training Material: